Friday, June 13, 2008

Digital Dave

It all began when I started watching that sitcom about the cavemen....even THEY had emails. After having someone show me what the internet was, I got an email address and eventually started this blog. To make it official, I've now got a facebook account. I can't be friends with everybody, so please don't ask me if you aren't worthy.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Sure Thing Keno #'s

I am sure these #'s are going to hit tonight bro. I've been playing them for 2 years straight, and they are finally going to pay out.

3, 20, 34, 35, 42

If you are wondering how I came about to picking these #'s, I'll tell you. 3 is the # of classes I need to graduate, 20 is Barry's # bro, 34 the age I plan on moving out of my rents place, 35 is the age I will move back in, and finally 42 was how many minutes I had until the bar closed that night.

Taking care of your body

What's up Boss' and Bossettes!

I am going to be honest with all of you; a normal human being cannot live the hardcore lifestyle that I do with out serious complications and/or dying. My body can handle the rigors of how I roll by my adhering to a strict health regiment.

My typical day starts at the crack of dawn. Sleeping in is for lazy pussies. I wake up around 6:00 a.m., go downstairs and pound a gallon of milk in 20 minutes. None of that 2% bullshit. I only drink 100% unpasturized. I tried to by a cow with my Keno winnings last know to cut out the middle man (I'm a savvy businessman, bro), but my roomate was all like, "No son of mine is bringing a cow into this house!"

At 6:20, I take a quick nap unitl 2:00 p.m. Then, I head to the YMCA to play some streetball with these persian high school kids I know.

I work every night until 11:00 p.m., so I don't have time to eat a traditional dinner. After work I head to Champps and order nachos. Nachos cover every major food group: grain, dairy, meats, vegetables and fruit (avacado, bro).

Finally, I remain celebate. Sex messes you up, bro. I've seen Raging Bull 20 times and that's where I got that knowledge from.

So remember what the Tweadey has laid down here today. It just might save your life.

Monday, June 9, 2008

The Hair, Bro....The Hair

I get asked two questions on a daily basis:

1. "Dave, how do you get your hair so rock hard?"
2. "Dave, where does all that cash you make go?"

The answer to both of these question is the same. My hair is a symbol of my lifestyle: HARD. I like my drinks hard, my partying hard and my shirts pressed with so much strach that they are HARD! I also like my men hard, but not in a guy way, bro. In order for my hair to be as hard as my lifestyle, I can't rely on normal gel. I use a special gel called Deus ex Edurus. That literally translates into "Hard like the Gods". It costs $350 for a 10 ounce bottle. It costs so much mainly because of the ingredients and the fact that it is illegal in 85% of the world. You can't even find this stuff in Mexico, bro. The gel is made from the ivory of african elephants, sperm whale placenta, silverback gorilla semen, bengal tiger penis, uranium and the tears of angels. This shit is so illegal, I get it from a guy who uses Fillipino orphans as mules to bring it Stateside. I go through a bottle a week, which adds up to, like, $2,500 or something. According to something I saw on interweb, side effects include a deepening of the voice, loss of inhibition and the overt usage of nicknames. Whatever, bro, chief, boss, slick, baby, tootz. I don't beleive that shit, homey, pimp, ese, broheim. So now you know how to be hard like The Tweadey. I need to get outta here to suck some old dude's toes for cash for more Edurus. It's cool though, he's a "regular".

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Hey World

What's up bro's and hon's, it's me Tweadey! I decided to set up a blog, so that I can teach the world a thing or two. You'll find that I am a man of simple tastes, I like my drinks 2 at a time, and my films Ace Ventura'd. I'll try to drop some knowledge every day, but I can't promise anything. It gets tough waking up before 2.